Are you having trouble getting an appointment?
Did you know in January we had 193 patients who didn't attend their appointment?!
This adds up to over 48 hours of clinical time across our teams!
You can cancel 24 hours a day using the online services or the NHS app.
Do we have your mobile number? Update this with the Practice to receive text message reminders of all upcoming appointments.
Treatment Room Appointments Online
We have now also introduced some of our Treatment Room appointments to our online booking service. This means you can now book blood tests, cervical screening and NHS Health Checks online. Although please ensure that you are booking in correctly otherwise you will be asked to rebook at a later date.
- Blood tests - these must be either regular tests or have been requested by your GP/ANP or consultant. If requested by a consultant then please ensure that you have the required forms for your appointment
- Cervical Screening - you must have received your invite from the Screening Team or be overdue for your latest screening - if you are not sure please contact our results team who will be able to check your records
- NHS Health Checks - you should have received a letter from the Practice inviting you for this check up
Telephone Appointments
Your GP is now able to deal Routine consultations, results and reviewing medications, over the telephone. If you would like to book a telephone appointment to discuss any of the above, please submit a request via our Anima app or call 01327 703333 (option 1).
Please note that telephone appointments will not be held at the time of booking online - these will be completed within the shift that they are booked. For example, appointments booked in the moring will be conducted between 8am-1pm and an afternoon appointment will be conducted between 1pm-6:30pm.
Please be advised that incoming and outgoing calls to Danetre Medical Practice are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

Appointment Times
Appointment times with our GP's are often variable, however we offer appointments with our GPs, Advanced Nurse Practitioners and Treatment Room from 8am until 6.30pm every weekday.
Our patients are also able to visit services provided by our Federation DocMed in the Enhanced Access Hub. Appointments are offered at various local locations at convenient times such as evenings, weekends and Bank Holidays, with multiple clinicians including GPs, Practice Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Paramedics and Health Care Assistants who offer services such as minor illness clinics, health checks and phlebotomy, along with routine GP appointments..
(The surgery is closed on Saturdays / Sundays and Bank Holidays.)
Phlebotomy Services
After reviewing our blood taking services, we have decided we will now only accept blood-taking forms from Northampton General Hospital.
If you require a blood sample requested by another hospital, you will need to attend that specific hospital's blood-taking unit.
This is to ensure continuity and the safety of all results.
Test Results
If you are waiting for results of tests conducted at the practice (such as blood results & specimen samples) please call 01327 703333 and press Option 3 for ‘Results’ between 1.00pm and 4.30pm Monday to Friday.
You can also view your results online if you have access to online records via SystmOnline, please call the surgery for more information and to register for this service.
Routine blood and urine test results are usually back within a week but x-ray results, smear results and specialised blood tests can take longer, up to between 8 – 12 weeks.
Home Visits - Including Advanced Practitioners
If you are one of our housebound patients, we can provide a home visit when the need arises.
To make an appointment for a same day home visit you must telephone the Appointments Line before 10:30am on 01327 703333 (option 1).
Home visits may be undertaken by either a GP or by one of our experienced Advanced Practitioners.

Late For Your Appointment
If you are more than 10 minutes late for your appointment, please be aware you may not be seen. Our staff reserve the right to ask you to rebook your appointment with this being the next working day-except in the event of an medical emergency.
If you require an interpreter to assist with your telephone consultation or Treatment Room consulation please notify the Patient Services Advisor when booking and this will be arranged for you.
Please note that this will be a telephone interpreting service.
Appointment Reminder Service
We have a texting service which allows you to recieve confirmation and reminders about your appointments.
To have this service you will need to register by completing a consent form.
Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.
Northampton General Hospital Outpatient Appointments
If you are a patient at Northampton General Hospital and have any questions or queries about an outpatient appointment/planned operation please contact their Outpatient Contact Centre on 01604 545555.
We do not have access to the hospital booking system and will not be able to provide you with the information that you need.
Thank you for your support.
NHS Health Checks
The NHS Health Check is a prevention programme which aims to reduce the chance of a heart attack, stroke or developing some forms of dementia in people aged 40-74. It achieves this by assessing the top seven risk factors.
What is the purpose of the NHS health check Programme?
The NHS Health Check is a free check-up of your overall health. It can tell you whether you're at higher risk of getting certain health problems, such as: heart disease. diabetes.
Who carries out NHS health checks?
Your NHS Health Check will be done by a healthcare professional. This will usually be a nurse, but it could also be a doctor, pharmacist or healthcare assistant.
Who is the NHS Health Check for?
The check is for people who are aged 40 to 74 who do not have any of the following pre-existing conditions:
- heart disease
- chronic kidney disease
- diabetes
- high blood pressure (hypertension)
- atrial fibrillation
- transient ischaemic attack
- inherited high cholesterol (familial hypercholesterolemia)
- heart failure
- peripheral arterial disease
- stroke
- currently being prescribed statins to lower cholesterol
- previous checks have found that you have a 20% or higher risk of getting cardiovascular disease over the next 10 years
You should be having regular check-ups if you have one of these conditions already negating the need for a Health Check.
If you are currently being prescribed statins for the purpose of lowering cholesterol or have already had an NHS Health Check in another form you will not be invited for a health check at your GP surgery.
How do I get an NHS Health Check?
If you’re aged 40 to 74 and do not have a pre-existing health condition or being prescribed statins you should be invited to an NHS Health Check by your GP or local council every 5 years.